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Home  >  Articles  >  Schmucker, Matt

Praying FAQ's

9Marks -
How do you pray publicly?
Listen:  Windows_Media   Real_Player
  • Why is public prayer an important part of pastoral ministry?
  • What kind of prayers do you pray in the morning worship gathering?
  • What kinds of things should pastors avoid doing or saying in public prayers?
  • How do you encouraged members to pray in public?
How do you pray for other churches?
Listen:  Windows_Media   Real_Player
  • When you pray for another church, what do you pray for?
  • Have you seen fruit borne by this intentionality?
How do you seek to model prayer for members as their pastor?
Listen:  Windows_Media   Real_Player
  • Do you have a formal, large group prayer meeting? Why (not)?
  • What tools have you found useful in encouraging people to pray?